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npx remotion bundle

从 v4.0.89 版本开始可用

在命令行上创建一个Remotion Bundle
相当于bundle() Node.JS API。

npx remotion bundle <serve-url|entry-file>?
npx remotion bundle <serve-url|entry-file>?

您可以将Serve URL入口点作为第一个参数传递,否则入口点将会被确定



指定 Remotion 配置文件的位置。


One of verbose, info, warn, error.
Determines how much is being logged to the console.
verbose will also log console.log's from the browser.
Default info.


Define the location of the public/ directory. If not defined, Remotion will assume the location is the `public` folder in your Remotion root.


定义生成的 bundle 的位置。默认情况下,它是一个名为 ./build 的文件夹,与Remotion Root相邻。


The path of the URL where the bundle is going to be hosted. By default it is /, meaning that the bundle is going to be hosted at the root of the domain (e.g. https://localhost:3000/). If you are deploying to a subdirectory (e.g. /sites/my-site/), you should set this to the subdirectory.


Disables the Git Source being connected to the Remotion Studio. Clicking on stack traces and certain menu items will be disabled.