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该包提供了用于预加载资源的函数。虽然预加载对于渲染并非必需,但它可以帮助在<Player />和工作室中实现无缝播放。目前已实现了三个函数:

@remotion/preload的一个替代方案是prefetch() API。请查看@remotion/preload vs prefetch()以决定哪一个更适合您的用例。


npm i --save-exact @remotion/preload@4.0.206
npm i --save-exact @remotion/preload@4.0.206
This assumes you are currently using v4.0.206 of Remotion.
Also update remotion and all `@remotion/*` packages to the same version.
Remove all ^ character in front of the version numbers of it as it can lead to a version conflict.